
The first game for cosmos ecosystem

Game based on the Cosmos blockchain and for Cosmos Ecosystem!

The project is being developed using Tendermint and Cosmos supported by the Interchain Foundation!

Own blockchain based on COSMOS!

We are able to connect the Cosmos ecosystem!


Use of modern concepts of technology development


Scale to millions of users through horizontal and vertical scalability solutions


High degree of security and resistance to attack

Fast transactions

Low fees, process transactions quickly and communicate


Network of proof-of-stake blockchains that allows communication between the different blockchains built into the Cosmos ecosystem


We plan to decentralize COSMOS COOP. Tokenomics is built in such a way that the game will quickly move into the decentralization phase


Use of modern concepts of technology development


Scale to millions of users through horizontal and vertical scalability solutions


High degree of security and resistance to attack

Fast transactions

Low fees, process transactions quickly and communicate


Network of proof-of-stake blockchains that allows communication between the different blockchains built into the Cosmos ecosystem


We plan to decentralize COSMOS COOP. Tokenomics is built in such a way that the game will quickly move into the decentralization phase


Cosmos Chicken Coop implements an improved concept of the Play to Earn genre!Earn money and also get unforgettable pleasure from the game! For these purposes, the interaction of two coins in the game is implemented - Eggs and Water! An amazing world has been developed! Game based on the Cosmos blockchain and for Cosmos Ecosystem! In this regard, there will be a big airdrop for the cosmonauts of the Cosmos Ecosystem!


Is the main currency of the game, which will be traded on decentralized exchanges of the Cosmos Ecosystem. Water is the most valuable resource of the entire Ecosystem, a mechanism of burning and evaporating Water has been developed, a deflationary model.

The common emission of Water will be 31415926 liters, with initial emission - 4233108 liters of Water, however, new Water will be generated as water generating stations are built during the game and as a reward when you send your water to the distributed reservoir! The initial issue is small, this Water is necessary for the launch and development of the game, and further issues during the game will have more weight.

The listing is scheduled for the second-third quarter of 2024


In cases of non-use of funds (ambassador program, marketing, other expenses) -non-use funds can be used for filling the pool on exchange or will be distributed to players with a 2 years lock


Available for mining to players during gameplay




Filling the pool on exchange


Ambassador program, community events


Delegation Grand for validators


Contingency and other expenses

0,256 %



Airdrop for Cosmos Ecosystem


Rewards for testers in the Incentivized Testnet, community events and ambassador program*


Pool for first players (for those who did not fall qualify for airdrop)


The initial emission of Eggs will be 300 000 000! 200 000 000 (66,67%) will be distributed as an airdrop to users (community) of the Сosmos Ecosystem!

65,000,000 (21.67%) eggs will be distributed to the first players so that they can start the game for free until the pool runs out!

35,000,000 (11,66%) eggs - rewards for testers in the Incentivized Testnet, community events and ambassador program

100% of the initial emission of Eggs coins will be distributed to the community and the first players of the Cosmos Chicken Coop!


Who wants to develop faster and for new players, after the pool runs out, it will be possible to purchase game items with a mechanism for the complete burning and evaporation of Water and thereby constantly increase its cost and value!


Q3 2022

Development of the main documentation

Q4 2022

Website development, discord, social networks

Q4 2023 - Q2 2024

Game Development

Q2-Q3 2024

Test Game Launch

Q2-Q3 2024

Ambassador Program Start

Q3-Q4 2024

Main Game Launch

Q1-Q2 2025

Decentralized Validation

Q3 2025


Q4 2025

Voting Platform \ DAO

Q4 2025

Full implementation the game to the COSMOS Ecosystem



Andrew Kozlowski


Sergey Lazuta


Dmitriy Zaicev


Kate Volkova

Chief Inter-Project Cooperation Officer

Vladimir Understanding

Project manager

Sandra Kachanovskaya

UI/UX Designer

Elena Tarasik

Frontend developer

Nikita Makarenko

Backend developer

Sergey Hrynkov

QA Engineer

Artsem Kazbanau


Andrew Kozlowski


Sergey Lazuta


Dmitriy Zaicev


Kate Volkova

Chief Inter-Project Cooperation Officer

Vladimir Understanding

Project manager

Sandra Kachanovskaya

UI/UX Designer

Elena Tarasik

Frontend developer

Nikita Makarenko

Backend developer

Sergey Hrynkov

QA Engineer

Artsem Kazbanau


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